Disenrolling from TRICARE Prime Remote

You don't have to re-enroll every year to continue TRICARE Prime Remote coverage, but certain events will cause you to be disenrolled.

Sponsor Status Change

Any change in the sponsor's status (e.g., active duty to retired or Guard/Reserve deactivation) will cause you an automatic disenrollment.

  • If you're still eligible for TRICARE Prime Remote after the change, submit a new enrollment application to your regional contractor.
  • You can submit a new enrollment application before the change occurs to avoid a lapse in coverage.

In some cases, TRICARE Prime Remote may no longer be available to you—when active duty service member retires, for example.

Voluntary Disenrollment

  • Active duty service members can't voluntarily disenroll from TRICARE Prime Remote.
  • All others can choose to disenroll at anytime. If you don't enroll in another plan, such as TRICARE Select, you will only be eligible for care at military hospitals and clinics if space is available, and you will only be eligible for pharmacy benefits at military pharmacies.
  • Contact your regional contractor to initiate a voluntary disenrollment.

Loss of Eligibility

If you lose eligibility for TRICARE, your TRICARE Prime Remote coverage will automatically end.

Last Updated 11/21/2024