Medicare Providers

When using TRICARE For Life in the U.S. and U.S. Territories, you may visit any participating or non-participating Medicare provider. To find a Medicare provider:

Providers Who Opt Out of Medicare

Providers who opt-out of Medicare enter into private contracts with beneficiaries.

  • Medicare doesn't pay for services you receive from opt-out providers.
  • TRICARE pays the amount that would have been paid had Medicare processed the claim.
  • You may be responsible for about 80% of the cost for the care.

In cases where your access to medical care is limited (i.e., under-served areas), TRICARE may pay the claim as the primary payer.

Military Hospitals and Clinics

When using TRICARE For Life, you can get care at a military hospital or clinic, but only if space is available. >>Find a Military Hospital or Clinic

Want to order a hard copy of the TRICARE For Life Handbook? Call Wisconsin Physicians Service (WPS) at 1-866-773-0404.

Last Updated 11/21/2024