
The TRICARE Pharmacy Program provides the prescription drugs you need, when you need them, in a safe, easy, and affordable way.

TRICARE's prescriptions are managed through the pharmacy contractor, Express Scripts.

Where can I get the COVID-19 Vaccine?

TRICARE beneficiaries can get a COVID-19 vaccine at no-cost. >>Learn more.

Your Pharmacy Options

TRICARE has four pharmacy options. Each option is available worldwide, but there are some limits overseas. 

Military Pharmacies Home Delivery Network Pharmacies

You may be able to get your prescriptions from a non-network pharmacy.

Learn more about your medication coverage and copayments. You can also compare costs with the TRICARE Compare Cost Tool.


Military Pharmacies Restored to Full Operations After Change Healthcare Cyberattack

Military pharmacies are back to normal operations after a February cyberattack on the nation’s largest commercial prescription processor, Change Healthcare (CHC). >>Learn More 

Last Updated 4/16/2024